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  • The school has a well stocked library. It is open for all the students during the school hours.
  • Only one book is issued at a time. Failure to return the book in time will be fined.
  • Books lost, damaged, or wrongly handled will have to be paid for or it may be replaced.
  • Never write and underline in library book or tear any thing/page out of it. Take good care of it.

  • Children always need our affection. It costs us nothing. We must love them. Don’t scold them unnecessarily.
  • If accidently they happened to break some house hold items, don’t scold or scare them. Instead, teach them to use carefully. You will see them to gain confidence and understanding.
  • Teach them to be bold and help them to overcome their inhibitions and phobias, If any.
  • Always try to quench their trust for enquiry. If you cannot, never mislead them by giving wrong answer or answers
  • Please encourage on their success howsoever trivial it is. They will prove good citizens in days to come.
  • To speak foul, use abusive language and indulge in absurd joking in children’s presence would lead them to go astray.
  • Spare some time daily to talk with your ward.
  • Never for heavens sake discriminate among your children. Treat them at equal terms.
  • Please contact the school as soon as possible in case you get an information or a call about your wards there from.
  • Always send them to school in neat and clean uniform as specified.
  • Send your ward to school on punctual time. Late comers are bound to get back home.
  • Kindly check your ward school diary daily and help them to complete their homework.
  • For your suggestion and complaints, use the school diary page given for the parents.
  • Stay your children at your home on leave from school only in the state of emergency or sickness.
  • Never send your ward to school along with costly items such as watch, gold ring, gold chain etc.
  • Any change in your home address or phone numbers should be informed to the school immediately.
  • Do not forget to send an application for your ward proceeding on leave. The application must bear the parent/guardian signature.
  • See that your ward carries book, notebooks, according to the time-table for that day or not.
  • Send your ward with some nutritious refreshment or snacks for recess hours.
  • If you need to meet to a teacher for discussion about your wards progress, come on specified day or time, not at your own convenience.
  • Kindly put your ward’s name, class, section, registration number, address and phone no. on all their belongings books and notebooks etc.
  • Encourage your ward to take balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities or games and sports for your ward’s all round development